如何處理桌面右下角出現測試模式 Windows 7 組建 7600
P.S. 測試模式是讓開發人員測試驅動程式時所使用,相關的說明可以參考 BCDEdit /set
testsigning [ on | off ]
Controls whether Windows 7, Windows Server 2008, or Windows Vista will load any type of test-signed kernel-mode code. This option is not set by default, which means test-signed kernel-mode drivers on 64-bit versions of Windows 7, Windows Server 2008, and Windows Vista will not load by default. After you run the BCDedit command, restart the computer so that the change takes effect. For more information, see Introduction to Test-Signing.
2. 方法
首先,按一下[開始] 按紐,滑鼠右鍵點選[命令提示字元],選擇[以系統管理員身分執行]。
bcdedit /set testsigning off
3. 參考
Microsoft Answer : Test mode running?
Microsoft Answer : 桌面右下角的顯示疑問?